Monday, February 22, 2010

im in love

I used to think that its kind of overrated. Until of course, I've proven myself wrong for tagging it as such. Love comes to all of us, in almost all shapes, almost all colors, almost every angle. Love is very profound that for the life of me, I can't even contain it in just a simple sentence. Yes it is. I've grown to realize how love could walk into someone else's door. I've seen some of its form in the many faces of people that are happy, in pain, and struggling for it. I've seen it through my parents, my sisters, my friends, through couples i see hand in hand, and to churches i pass by as a wedding is held. I've seen it through my friends' cries and pains. I've seen it through hatred and jealousy, through martyrdom... i've seen a thousand of movies about love and not one of them tells the same exact love story. It has different complications but its all about love.
I've seen alot about it. Surreal, ideal, perfect, happy endings, impossible and just.. just real. And it makes me ponder on to my own experience. What's my story, how did I find it, how did it come to me.

Yes, its Mike. He is my story. I found love in him. Four years of being with him, (not maybe literally) I am now in the point of my life ready to say that he is going to be the man I will fight for. (Girls could do that eh). He is no doubt the man God had given me to live for. I mean, if this is not love how else could i decently describe the passion to wait, the passion to understand him and the passion to accept him wholeheartedly without any judgments. With him, I feel like i can beat all the odds. Loving someone is a decision and you would need to make a stand. I wanna stay in love with him. In him, I feel i could face up all the challenges, he lits the courage in me.
Loving him is painful yet its all worth it. For now, I love him and this is all I know. I pray and together with our mutual efforts would strive hard for us to be together as what we are destined to be. He is the missing part of me and Im so glad I found him. Most of all, Im happy that despite of the hardship in making our relationship work out, our love for each other remained faithful and strong.

I LOVE YOU MIKE, and Happy Birthday!