Monday, February 15, 2010

my dream

i usually wake up for work at 9pm and go out of the house at 9:30pm. Last night, I remember waking up at 8:58pm and because of my sleeping disorders, I felt sooo effin tired and decided to steal few minutes of my sleep.

So i went to work that night and I dont know why Im in CVG Banawa. Maybe because Mitch sent me a text message that she's there. So i replied to her message and someone put an arm on me and took my phone. I was so shocked that I didnt even notice a knife stabbed on the side of my hip until i saw the scarlet red thing on my dress... He took my fone and stabbed me.

it was 9:28pm when i woke up. Good thing it was all a dream, bad thing, im running late for work AGAIN. I left my fone at home because dreams are prophecies..

im soo scared last night coz it felt soo real. How can i still dream with so much little time to sleep.. urghh