Sunday, October 6, 2013

what are you proud of?

                Two of the things that I value the most aside from my dogs are integrity and respect. As what our previous boss mentioned, integrity is black and white. You either have it or not. You cannot have more integrity or less. It is that simple. You have it in you or you simple dont. And I think that when we talk about integrity, it is not about the little things we lie about every day because mind you, we do have those pretty little lies but what I meant about the call for integrity is doing the right thing even when it is hard for you to do so. It is doing what is ethical and what is right when you see something is wrong. It is a decision you make for yourself. It is not something others can demand from you but it is something you grow with, something you need and want to do. I am just so happy that I’ve been a part of JPMC because of its unwavering culture of integrity. We are always reminded to value integrity and put it on top of our list. I am so proud of Jaime Dimon and all the people from the company and I guess it’s one of the reasons why in amidst of global financial challenges, they remained steadfastly standing while others crumbled down into dust.  If I have to go back, I’d go home to —Chase. I think as Filipinos, we should replicate the values and systems of these people from developed countries.

                Now that I am no longer connected to such great company and because I gave way to my original profession which is teaching, INTEGRITY is not something I am willing to unlearn. I believe that because there was a change of my environment, I have to learn and unlearn things so that I can be better at what I do. But I am not willing to unlearn the value of integrity. Especially now that a lot of parents are putting their child’s welfare into my hands. Especially now that my role has changed and especially now that I am a teacher. I mould young minds and I want to teach them really good values. The hell with the lessons. I am sure they will forget about it, but when they apply for their dream jobs or when they will start opening up their own businesses, their personal and professional values will take them to heights.

             RESPECT. As human beings, it is expected of us to respect all the people around us. Whether she’s an elevator girl or an heiress. I don’t choose people to respect because I want to be respected in return. It is given that at least as humans we are to be respected and given dignity at all aspects. Deep respect however is something earned and it’s not a cheap giveaway. It is something you craft yourself so that people will respect you. Your character is the key for others to earn your respect. I am thinking about reputation vs. character. If you have the reputation but doesn’t have the character, then what are you again? Just a title.  Oh well, I don’t need to elaborate.

       I am telling all these because a week ago, all teachers with the exception of the school administrators had a closed door meeting with PAASCU. It is the PAASCU initiated the said meeting with the promise that they will not mention names but will get ideas, recommendations and suggestions because they simply believe in teachers input as they are teachers themselves. For me, it was fruitful and helpful for our school’s endeavour to be on an applicant status with PAASCU. Whatever transpired in the said conference --- I am not in the position to discuss because I have the utmost respect to the PAASCU accreditors and I believe in their capability to summarized and relay it to the administrators. Unfortunately, one of the teachers recorded the conversation. This said teacher is very close to one of the administrators, they even share the same bed every night. Why would she record it? Why is it that the day after the conversation, she was very eager to have the names of the teachers who have spoken up to the accreditors? It smells fishy. Stinky.

           I was really discouraged at what I have discovered and I was very sad to know that this person is a teacher. Why cheat? Are you not the same teacher who would always remind your young students not to cheat? It’s funny how one single action can distort the whole picture. My perception was changed right then and there. I am not proud anymore.

             It’s humongous for the life of me to shout at the Philippine Government for having such a bad economy and status of life in this country. But I don’t have to look very far because I can see irregularities in my naked eyes. Why can’t we examine ourselves if we are living each day of our lives as good people in accordance to “Christian Values”?  No wonder why Philippines will not grow into a great country because we don’t have greatness in us. We only have ambitions but we don’t have the integrity needed to move forward nor we have the very basic value of respect, we forget how to play fair. 

               knowing what's right and not doing it anyway can get ugly as this!