Saturday, June 6, 2009

Im kind of frustrated with this job that I have right now. It always makes me nervous and all this brain wacking things to do and stuff like that. Good thing is that, I know im being competitive and I found friends... and lost one. I will miss Sheyne. Though I didnt get the chance to be with her more than we could've been, Im grateful to have met her. And for the nesting itself, its pretty hard hitting the metrics and coping up with the new environment but the heck, i chose this right? We will never know what's there until we get there.

As for my pay, it's been a week delayed now. And that makes matters worst. If i dont get it this Monday, im so gonna be leaving because in the first place, i wasnt there for charity or work or whatever that is you call.

I wanted to get out of the country and start on my own but I dont really know how to start from scratch. haha. Well, i'll be praying hard for it and work harder for me to get there... whatever it takes. As of now, I just thought i need to slow down a bit and enjoy the pace since i cant change things overnight.

Driving Skills. Im so like failing. But i really really want to learn but not now because papa is still in Leyte, "attending" my mama. hahaha

my mama. She is completely ignoring us. What matters most to her was making money, gaining pleasure, and the attention. well, good for her. atleast she's got goals.