Tuesday, December 28, 2010
letting go...
Monday, December 27, 2010
I wish...
Dear Mike,

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Tandy's Wedding

EVENT ORGANIZERS: just posing at the entrance: while waiting for the guest to come
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Help me God
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Dear ....
Sunday, November 14, 2010
mumbles heard from a bored person
Sunday, November 7, 2010
waiting is a mystery
Waiting is a mystery - a natural sacrament of life - there is a meaning hidden in all the times we have to wait. It must be an important mystery because there is so much waiting in our lives. Everyday is filled with those little moments of waiting (testing our patience and our nerves, schooling us in self-control.)
We wait for meals to be served, for a letter to arrive, for a friend to call or show up for a date. We wait in line at cinemas and theaters. Our airline terminals, railway stations and bus depots are great temples of waiting filled with men and women who wait in joy for the arrival of a loved one - or wait in sadness to say goodbye. And we wait for ourselves to grow from childhood to maturity. We wait for those inner voices that tell us when we are ready for the next stop. We wait for graduation, for our first job, our first promotion. We wait for success and recognition. We wait to grow up - to reach the stage where we make our own decisions.
We cannot remove this waiting from our lives. It is a part of the tapestry of living - the fabric in which the threads are woven to tell the story of our lives.Yet current philosophies would have us forget the need to wait - Instant pleasure, instant transcendence. Do not wait for anything. Life is short - eat, drink and be merry because tomorrow you will die.
And so they rationalize us into accepting unlicensed and irresponsible freedom- they warn against attachments and commitments - against expecting anything of anybody, or allowing them to expect anything of us - against dropping any anchors in the currents of our life that will cause us to hold and wait. This may be the correct prescription for pleasure - but even that is fleeting and doubtful.
If we wish to be real human beings, spirit as well as flesh, soul as well as heart, we have to learn to wait. For if we never learn to wait, we will never learn to love someone other than ourselves. But most of all, waiting means waiting for someone else. It is a mystery, brushing by our face everyday like a stray leaf falling from a tree.
Anyone who has loved knows how much waiting goes into it - how much waiting is important for love to grow, to flourish through a lifetime.
Why is this? Why can't we have it right now, what we so desperately want and need? Why must we wait - two years, three years - and seemingly waste so much time? You might as well ask why a tree should take so long to bear fruits - the seed to flower - carbon to change to diamond.
There is no simple answer - no more than there is to life's other demands - having to say goodbye to someone you love because either you or they have made other commitments or because they have to grow and find the meaning of their own lives - you having to leave home and loved ones to find your own path. Good-byes, like waiting, are also sacraments of our lives.
All we know is that growth - the budding, the flowering of love needs patient waiting. We have to give each other a time to grow. There is no way we can make someone else truly love us or we them, except through time. So we give each other that mysterious gift of waiting - of being present without asking demands and rewards. There is nothing harder to do than this. It truly tests the depth and sincerity of our love. But there is life in the gift we give.
So lovers wait for each other - until they can see things the same way - or let each other freely see things in quite different ways. There are times when lovers hurt each other and cannot regain the balance of intimacy of the way they were. They have to wait - in silence - but still present to each other - until the pain subsides to an ache and then only a memory and the threads of the tapestry can be woven together again in a single love story.
What do we lose when we refuse to wait, when we try to find shortcuts through life - when we try to incubate love and rush blindly and foolishly into a commitment we are neither mature nor responsible enough to assume? We lose the hope of truly loving or of being loved. Think of all the great love stories of history and literature - isn't it of their very essence that they are filled with this strange but common mystery - that waiting is part of the substance - the basic fabric against which the story of that true love is written.
How can we ever find either life or true love if we are too impatient to wait for it? Waiting is a good thing only if something is worth waiting for.
How will you know if it's worth it? Gut feel. What if you don't trust your gut? Pray. You will be enlightened. Trust me.
Is it wrong to expect while waiting? It's not wrong, but it will increase your chances of heartbreak and disappointment if things don't work out in the end.
Is it good to expect while waiting? It is better to HOPE.
What's the difference between hoping and expecting? HOPING means you're open to either side of the coin landing though you're more inclined to believe that things will turn out well. EXPECTING means you're thinking single-track, which won't do you much good at all.
What's the difference between waiting and expecting? EXPECTING is waiting for something TO DEFINITELY HAPPEN. WAITING is staying where you are, but not necessarily expecting something to happen definitely.
Do you need assurance from someone you're waiting for while you're waiting? Ideally, yes. But realistically, do you really want assurance from this person? It's so easy to just point at something and make that the reason why you're waiting ("Because she said..." "Because he told me that...").
With WAITING, all you really can rely on are 3 things: your gut feel, your heart and your mind. Just YOURSELF, not anyone else.
So should you wait? What does your gut say? How does your heart feel? What does your mind think? If they're saying different things, keep asking yourself these 3 questions (and pray!) until you get a solid answer. THEN you'll know if he or she is worth waiting for.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
work :)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
the heart or the mind
my heart says to be patient, my mind says its enough. my heart says its by God's time but my mind tells me that God's answer is already a no. my heart would like to give way and is willing to forget its own sorrows but my mind says its about time to wake up and see reality as it is.
Hey its My Birthday
Sunday, October 10, 2010
of my random thoughts
Saturday, October 2, 2010
talking about my Faith
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
weekends and worlds apart
Message in a Bottle, A Letter to Catherine
July 22, 1997
My Dearest Catherine,
I miss you my darling as I always do, but today is especially hard because the ocean has been singing to me, and the song is that of our life together. I cam almost feel you beside me as I write this letter, and I can smell the scent of wildflowers that always reminds me of you. But at this moment, these things give me no pleasure. Your visits have been coming less often, and I feel sometimes as if the greatest part of who I am is slowly slipping away.
I am trying, though. At night when I am alone, I call for you, and whenever my ache seems to be the greatest, you still seem to find a may to return to me. Last night, in my dreams, I saw you on the pier near Wrightsville Beach. The wind was blowing through your hair, and your eyes held the fading sun light. I am struck as I see you leaning against the rail. You are beautiful, I think I see you, a vision that I can never find in anyone else. I slowly begin to walk toward you, and when you finally turn to me, I notice that others have been watching you as well. "Do you know her?" they ask me in jealous whispers, and as you smile at me, I simply answer back with the truth. "Better than my own heart."
I stop when I reach you and take you in my arms. I long for this moment more than any other. It is what I live for, and when you return my embrace, I give myself over to this moment, at peace once again.
I raise my head and gently touch your cheek and you tilt your head and close your eyes. My hands are hard and your skin is soft, and I wonder for a moment if you'll pull back, but of course you don't. You never have, and it is at times like this that I know what my purpose is in life.
I am here to love you, to hold you in my arms, to protect you. I am here to learn from you and to receive your love in return. I am here because there is no other place to be.
But then, as always, the mist starts to form as we stand close to one another. It is a distant fog that rises from the horizon, and I find that I grow fearful as it approaches. It slowly creeps in, enveloping the world around us, fencing us in as if to prevent escape. Like a rolling cloud, it blankets everything, closing, until there is nothing left but the two of us.
I feel my throat begin to close and my eyes well-up with tears because I know it is time for you to go. The look you give me at that moment haunts me. I feel your sadness and my own loneliness, and the ache in my heart that had been silent for only a short time grows stronger as you release me. And then you spread your arms and step back into the fog because it is your place and not mine. I long to go with you, but your only response is to shake your head because we both know that is impossible.
And I watch with breaking heart as you slowly fade away. I find myself straining to remember everything about this moment, everything about you. But soon, always too soon, your image vanishes and the fog rolls back to its faraway place and I am alone on the pier and I do not care what others think as I bow my head and cry and cry and cry.
Excerpted from MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE © Copyright 1998 by Nicholas Sparks. Reprinted with permission by Warner Vision. All rights reserved.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Goodbye Necklace.. till next!
Last night. The risk of going to work at night is always there. I am completely aware of the dangers out in the streets because I’ve been working at night for more than a year now, it became very normal to me. Not in the sense that the possible presence of muggers won’t give me the raw feeling of fear and adrenaline rush but most of the time I forget about the risks and danger that awaits me. I am no superwoman so I am not an exception to it. Just last night, two filthy kids snatched my necklace; my precious necklace. The only possession that was left to me was all gone. I could’ve just chased the kids. I shivered on the thought that they already took away everything to me. I don’t have anything that reminds me that Mike is real. It’s all gone. And it produces an ache to the deepest of my heart. I wanted to just let it go but it is too precious to forget. It is too painful because I am holding on to it. I am scared because I got nothing to hold on to anymore. I wish God will help me see the larger picture. I appreciate my dad telling me that it must be the kid’s mom’s birthday and they need something to buy pancit. It’s quite comforting in the sense that I might be able to help other people but still, the way they do it was really bad. I am not ready to let go of it yet and I just wished that someday, (though this is so much like a “novel” way of thinking) I would get it back again. It belongs to me L
Monday, July 26, 2010
I wish i can just crashed in to someone's bed right now and sleep because the thought of going home is agony. The day at work today is very exhausting though i thank God that I was able to manage it
Sunday, July 25, 2010
it froze
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
fighting over my feelings
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
im missing u and its killing me
When i was in the jeepney earlier, i thought about mike and I— i thought about our relationship and how we should deal with it. It’s so hard when u miss someone so much and u ache for him but he can’ be there. Looking at everything between us, i know i have the choice to just walk out. If im goin to use my head and not my heart, I would pity myself and just walk away from it. There will be alot of reasons but I always tell myself that i love him and its all that matters. And it will lead me to forget about everything because my heart rules even when its painful. I understand that I cant blame him about this because it was our choice to stay. I can’t be too selfish in claiming that I’ve been waiting and hurting and had been depressed all along because I know he also had his part that only him could understand; that only he himself had only gone through. And i respect that. Even when it takes two to tango, the other can change the course of the dance and turn it into something “not-so-tango.” It is possible. But i cant seem to decide for myself right now. I need him. I miss him and it hurts so much L
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
work work work

Saturday, June 12, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
just being random
im kind of a masochist today because im pounding the keyboard even when my finger hurts like crazy! i hurt it last night when i was rummaging through Hershey's "vanity basket"; i actually sliced my finger on to her "de-tangler comb". oh man it hurts like hell.
anyway, i'd had a few observations for today. hehe
RANDOM 1: I hate it when people inside the jeepney stares at me! I mean yes i'l give u the right to stare at me but please dont go over with my time limit! It annoys me real time. I mean why would u stare at someone? that is just so mean. but anyway, in reality i cant really do anything about it. What i can do though which i always do anyway is raise my eyebrow and just give them back a nasty look; they deserve it...
RANDOM 2: I always find myself PLAIN and simple yet i find it nice when a few people vocally tells me that they like me (or they like the way i look). I mean, of course they wont like my personality (haha) but i take pride too when they compliment me with my body and i think i should start believing in myself that im perhaps attractive! (im having a hard time convincing myself with that).
RANDOM3: I am terribly missing Mike!!! oh gosh, i dont even want to start writing about it. I'll write more later..
for now, im waiting for Bing because we gunna watch SEX and the CITY! wohoo!! i know people would flood the theater but goodluck though!
Monday, June 7, 2010
umm amm...
So, everything went well for today except for the fact that mike is not around. I terribly miss him.. like crazy!!! One thing i should learn about this is to keep up with my hope and above all, have faith in God. I realized that i should be partner with God in all times whether something is goin on my way or not. I felt so guilty for not honoring God especially last year. I know i've lost my path but i wanted to be with Him again. I know He will not let me down when everything else will...
I gotta go now! ciao!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
new work life
Friday, June 4, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
new job
Monday, May 31, 2010
I'm Missing You
Sunday, May 23, 2010
3rd day 1st week
I woke up early and its torture! Now i feel like i wanna sleep more but i need to drop Miko off to his rehearsals. Well that's good too because i get to go out and not just stay at home. It was a little crazy though because we have to wait for like 2 hours for the others to come. I was like, "whaaat!!" inside. LOL. Good thing though that the gym has a nearby park and we get to enjoy the place. Its the typical pinoy park but im so amazed that its so clean!!! :D I wish i had take a pic of it, but then again, i'd remind myself that my camera was killed. LOL
So now, im here at USC. good thing i get to stay here at the cafe (air conditioned!!!) and exploit the internet. haha.. and of course get to see Judy...
well, that's all folk, im so tired of the narration here. lol. God bless me and mike :)
Friday, May 21, 2010
1st day 1 wk
adding salt to a wound
how do u cry in silence? how do u get angry by keeping calm? how can u stay strong when all u wanna do is surrender
Thursday, May 20, 2010
dear blog

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
its a beautiful day

comp is back! hehe
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Dear Mike,
Monday, May 10, 2010
Election is not just about who wins. It’s also about losing. Looking at the widespread gap between Noynoy and Erap, I know it’s a landslide victory for Noy and his supporters. Honestly, I’ve seen it coming. But it never once crossed my mind casting my vote on him so that Villar wont win the election. I personally think it was pathetic and foolish. I was never convinced by this man knowing the fact that I never heard of his name on the issue of corruption, but I’d rather choose GORDON over NOY. I cant seem to forgive myself voting an idiot whose not even smart enough to carry on a presidential debate to lead the highest position of the government in this country. Im a die hard supporter of G1BO from the very start because I believe in his capacity, integrity and ability to be a firm leader in this country. I didnt know him at first but his gesture and his positive way of campaigning made me stop facebooking the hell out of me and found myself researching more about him... And i know He is the best man for the job, NOT a retard who run just because his parents are known to be heroes in the past!!!
But enough of that, election was over. With a painful 3million votes for G1BO all over the country that one Noy supporter might laugh. Thing is, I know G1BO did not lose the fight because he won the hearts of the youth long before May 10 and Noy cant ever do such. G1BO was successful in this journey because he showed something new in PHILIPPINE POLITICS, he modelled being an excellent student during his academic years, he displayed humility and professionalism during his campaign, and I know he inspired the youth so much in a lot of ways. (The comments on his FB page is overwhelming!) We were defeated by numbers but I was thinking that by not voting wisely, we Filipinos are putting our future at stake. With uneducated people outnumbering the professionals, the popular candidate will surely win even when he is rubbish and downright incompetent. Though, I don’t like even an inch of the newly elected-president, I need to respect the majority’s decision but of course not forgetting that there's still a big piece of 60% who did not vote for him. Knowing the fact that majority of Filipinos are living below poverty line, its given that most of them don’t have the resources to research and im sure just like many of us, they might be busy with some other things not giving a damn to be "critical thinkers" even just for once. I definitely agree with G1BO that there is a POVERTY of the MIND in the Philippines!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
wonderful morning!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Dear Blog,
I sleep the day away with Hershey. She is actually a good buddy for a sleepyhead like me. She loves to sleep!!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
my first saddest bloG!
The fact that I can’t do anything added the credence of this heavy feeling. Im just watching everything happen. Then it dawned me that it’s really the way it is. Who am I? I am nothing compared to God. I am nothing.
He is miles away from me. I know he needed me there at his side… but I just can’t be. Even though it would mean this would be the first and the last. He is fighting for his life, while im here pretending that everything is fine. Pretending to smile, pretending to be the old jolly Jorge they knew. I am fighting back the tears that involuntarily well down my eyes. Everything around me is screwed up. I am not certain how can I be of help. I don’t know what to do with all these. Maybe because I have loved him from the diminutive chance God has given us. The chance I wanted for the second time around… the chance I wanted so badly.
This is what I call the “time thief” chapter of my life. They said, time is something to be treasured; it’s the only thing that can’t be turn back. Now, that added my wretchedness. Time is indeed a treasure for me. I treated time as my friend because it’s the benchmark of my love for him. Time for me is waiting. I used to wait for him in days, days that turned into weeks. Weeks to months. Months to years. Until I found out that he’s on the edge of his life, I wonder if this would be my price to pay for waiting for him patiently. Personally, time is of a great essence to me. In fact, my favorite part of the bible is all about time. That everything has its own time. He inspired me to wait.. He inspired me to be patient because he’s got a ticket of time to fulfill his promises to me. When I found out he is sick, I turned for my favorite verse in the bible for refuge. I keep on seeking answers from it, but I just can’t find one. But, even though answers to my questions seemed to be so vague than ever, I never gave up hope. I never gave up from believing that this is just an obstacle. . I never hated time for this, Coz im willing to wait forever, as long as he’ll meet me there. Sure I can tolerate the degree of pain only if he’ll promise me to stop the time for us and spend the moment with me forever.
When I found out he only had 24 hours to live, my world seem to drift. I looked at the things around me… speechless, and at a nanosecond, everything dropped its sagacity to me. I wanna stopped the time. It can’t be happening, how can I prove to him that he means the world to me in 24 hours when he is on the other side of the world? How can time be so selfish to me after all the years of waiting and holding on to him? They can’t break me that kind of news! They cant! They just cant… As much as I wanted to blame God on this, I cant because our life isn’t ours in the first place. It’s God’s property. We would never know God’s plan for us. It opened up a world of Hope to me. I hugged a world of hopes coz it’s the only thing that’s left to me. I know he’ll not leave me. Not this time… I may be frightened to death but I know God is there for me. I ask God for miracles, and for the first time of my life, I felt God in me. He made it through. I was euphoric at that time and I just can’t thank God enough. Several days went, my faith was tested again… when his friend break me another news that he needs a critical surgery. And he only got 25% chance of survival at the process alone. Time knocks on my doorstep again. Then I doubt if time was there to visit me as my friend or foe. How can time get so stingy? I prayed more, I lay all my faith to God, I meditated. He’s not leaving me behind. He knows I’d be miserable if he will. Myriad emotions are all on me. It’s like it’s so heavy that I wanna break down. But I gotta be strong because he told me to be strong for him.
Now, the surgery is done. He’s in coma. The state where doctors never expected him to be in. healing is something by faith. Living is something by heart. I know if he wants to survive and fight, he will… I just hope God would see that.
I always say we exist because of the people and the dreams we love. I still believe in it coz that’s what he is fighting right now…
Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, faith looks up. I just have to believe…
Sunday, April 25, 2010
there are rare moments too when he's the one to say sorry to me. its so sweet and he knows i always believe in whatever he say. i love the sporadic sweetness he sometimes made me feel.
the most important thing when in a relationship is the the ability to respect one another. and i know i need to work on that real hard since were very different, but i'l definitely stretch my patience and understanding just as to avoid conflicts... there are really just times that i cant hold back my temper and i really need to raise my point..ohh geezz here i am again. lolz
anyway, this is for him:
I'll watch the night turn light blue.but it's not the same without you because it takes two to whisper quietly.the silence isn't so bad till I look at my hands and feel sad 'cause the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly
Saturday, April 24, 2010
champy kept on ignoring hershey
Thursday, April 22, 2010