It was good seeing friends again last night in Siao’s wedding. After college, we’ve been busy with our individual lives that we can’t even gather ourselves for a simple dinner or night out without conflict of schedules. We were those college students but now I can’t believe that we’re all gathered again (unfortunately without Nikko’s presence) not for some school party or night out but for Siao’s wedding; the girl we expect to get married first among all of us! I realized that we are indeed growing up and some might be going on the same route for marriage life. I am truly happy to see my friends again and of course, to see Siao with a new and loving family. She will be giving birth in 4 months! We may be attending a baptism any time real soon! Mean while, here are some of our pics. Enjoy!

with the Groom Kent and lovely Bride Tandy

EVENT ORGANIZERS: just posing at the entrance: while waiting for the guest to come