(i dont know why i cant drag the pic down at the bottom).
But anyway, when ur in high school, ur a freak by writing down a boy's name in bold letters. *jesus. lol
...are like wines.
They get better once you discover them in one of your boxes. Lying there torn and old (with entries of course). I was so entertained going down memory lane yesterday when i decided to clean up. I found a diary i made when i was in high school. So I really took time reading it and it wowed me big time. hahaha
Geez, most of the things I wrote at that time seemed to be so pathetic to me right now. But hey, that's high school. It talked so much about friendship and crushes. Damn, its soo ewwish. ahahahaha. In totality though, it reminds me of the movie i watched with Mitch the other day. The Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Mitch said we can hardly relate since we dont have middle school and the culture is different as well. I agree with Mitch but the real essence of the transition is not really those but the fact that every kid must have struggled on that certain point of their lives. Struggles finding their identity and of course the struggle to choose where they should belong.
Putting the feelings to paper helped alot. Its a way of coping up and keeping up with your feelings too. And im more than greatful to keep one with me. I might not be able to feel exactly what i felt in the past but i have my diary to help me figure what kind of person was i in the past and connect it to my present. Its like being on a time machine... the wonders of a diary...