Thursday, August 13, 2009


1.What is the age difference between you and your youngest sibling?
- 10 years i guess

2. Do you believe that there is always room in your heart for your first true love?
- my first true love is mike. he occupies all the room in my heart

3. Do you think your last ex deserves to die?
- we all deserve to die. depends when.. i dont know.

4. Why did you hug the last person you hugged?
- i forgot who i hugged

5. have unlimited texting?
- yeah its plan man gud. hehe

6. What is the song n ur mind and why?
- insomia... ahh haa ahhh..

7. Where will you be tom0rrow?
- at work for sure

8. Who are you calling?
- the hotel!

9. Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
- of course. we never ran out of reasons.. so yeah

10. Are you mean?
- unintended..

11. Who do you trust the most in your life?
- God.

12. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
- Yes. Mike

13. Would you change your name?
- I love it, so NO

14. What is your zodiac sign?

15. If the person who hurt you the most in your life apologized and told you they love you, what would you do?
- i probably love the person who at the same time hurts me the most. i accept apologies :)

16. Last time you had a yummy chocolate?
- some weeks ago

17. Do you feel like you're a good person?
- sometimes. lol

18. What good thing are you thinking right now?
- my rest day is a good thing to me

19. Do you like to have long hair or short hair? Why?
- average lang. hehe

20. What haircut on the opposite sex?
- clean lookin

21. Do you like french fries?
- yeah they're good

22. When is the next time you're going away?
- i dont know yet

23. When is your birthday?
- october 18, 1988. love my bday!hehe

24. Do you like to work with little kids?
- i super love it! i wish i can!!

27. What do you miss most about your past?
- being LAX at school with friends

28. Which ex do you miss?
- none

29. Are you going to search for a new girl/boyfriend now?
- why would i?

30. What's the last thing you ate?
- alot at Jacobo's with team mates

31. When is the last time someone of the opposite sex gave u a hug?and who?
- prolly my bro

32. What do you carry with you at all times?
- money and fone

33. How does it feel when you see someone you love happy with somebody else?
- sickening!!