Thursday, December 8, 2011

The good life

1. Do something for someone else

- I listened to a friend who is currently mending a broken heart L. I know how important it is to being listened to especially in times of sadness and despair

2. Do something for yourself

- I bought MONIEGOLD chewy tamarind candy for myself. Indulgence!

3. Do something I don’t want to do that needs to doing

- Of course, I would pick SLEEP for this answer!

4. Do a physical exercise

- This summer I will enrol in aerobics in a nearby gym. For the mean time, formulating this thought is a mental exercise

5. Do a mental exercise

- Doing this list is a mental exercise ;p

6. Do an original prayer that always includes counting blessings

- Dear God,

Thank you because you’ve given me wonderful and amazing parents. They always wake up in the middle of the night just to drive me to work. I feel so bless more than ever.