Monday, August 5, 2013

The One That Got Away

There was this article I read a few months back about that someone in your life who unfortunately got away. I ended up agreeing to almost all of the lines in the said piece though I can no longer remember the exact words to it. It echoes feelings which I’ve been suppressing for too long but the article had a way to make me realize that I shouldn’t had because somewhere, somehow, we all have that someone that got away.  It rang through me coz I know I had that very someone. That someone whom I envisioned to marry and spend my life with. Someone that I was very certain I wanna meet in my future. Unfortunately, what made him my “someone that got away” is the fact that he didn’t make it. He simply got away and the rest is history.
I am in the point in my life that I am happy with someone else. But he will remain to be “The One That Got Away” always. He will remain to be the person behind the sweet love songs I would randomly hear in the radio. He will be that someone who’ll make me wonder about a few things in life. I guess I am holding on to something that I know will never happen, because somewhere deep down inside me, I have this little piece of hope that someday it will. And maybe, Katy Perry might be right, that in another life, I will be his girl but certainly not now.
And what’s beautiful about it is that I’m okay. It’s okay.