Sunday, June 27, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
im missing u and its killing me
When i was in the jeepney earlier, i thought about mike and I— i thought about our relationship and how we should deal with it. It’s so hard when u miss someone so much and u ache for him but he can’ be there. Looking at everything between us, i know i have the choice to just walk out. If im goin to use my head and not my heart, I would pity myself and just walk away from it. There will be alot of reasons but I always tell myself that i love him and its all that matters. And it will lead me to forget about everything because my heart rules even when its painful. I understand that I cant blame him about this because it was our choice to stay. I can’t be too selfish in claiming that I’ve been waiting and hurting and had been depressed all along because I know he also had his part that only him could understand; that only he himself had only gone through. And i respect that. Even when it takes two to tango, the other can change the course of the dance and turn it into something “not-so-tango.” It is possible. But i cant seem to decide for myself right now. I need him. I miss him and it hurts so much L
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
work work work

Saturday, June 12, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
just being random
im kind of a masochist today because im pounding the keyboard even when my finger hurts like crazy! i hurt it last night when i was rummaging through Hershey's "vanity basket"; i actually sliced my finger on to her "de-tangler comb". oh man it hurts like hell.
anyway, i'd had a few observations for today. hehe
RANDOM 1: I hate it when people inside the jeepney stares at me! I mean yes i'l give u the right to stare at me but please dont go over with my time limit! It annoys me real time. I mean why would u stare at someone? that is just so mean. but anyway, in reality i cant really do anything about it. What i can do though which i always do anyway is raise my eyebrow and just give them back a nasty look; they deserve it...
RANDOM 2: I always find myself PLAIN and simple yet i find it nice when a few people vocally tells me that they like me (or they like the way i look). I mean, of course they wont like my personality (haha) but i take pride too when they compliment me with my body and i think i should start believing in myself that im perhaps attractive! (im having a hard time convincing myself with that).
RANDOM3: I am terribly missing Mike!!! oh gosh, i dont even want to start writing about it. I'll write more later..
for now, im waiting for Bing because we gunna watch SEX and the CITY! wohoo!! i know people would flood the theater but goodluck though!
Monday, June 7, 2010
umm amm...
So, everything went well for today except for the fact that mike is not around. I terribly miss him.. like crazy!!! One thing i should learn about this is to keep up with my hope and above all, have faith in God. I realized that i should be partner with God in all times whether something is goin on my way or not. I felt so guilty for not honoring God especially last year. I know i've lost my path but i wanted to be with Him again. I know He will not let me down when everything else will...
I gotta go now! ciao!